Dance Agreement

Welcome to Katie's Dance Studio!


Please read carefully before registering for classes.


1. Tuition

Tuition is due the first class of each month. A $10.00 late fee will be charged if tuition is not received by the 10th of the month. All months are billed the same regardless of holidays, etc. Some months you will receive five classes, some three. Monthly tuition is based on how many classes are taken each week, whether by one dancer or by immediate family members. Refunds are not given for missed classes. We will try to give you a time to make up the missed class. All students (except those who have a previous pay arrangement with "Katie's Studio"), are required to pay for their classes by automatic online payment via credit card. Please enroll by completing the online registration. Be sure to keep your information up-to-date. If your credit card is declined and does not clear by the 10th, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. In addition to monthly tuition, there is a yearly studio fee of $25.00 per family that is due in the Spring.

2. Food

No gum, food or drinks are allowed in the dance rooms. (Bottled water is OK.)


3. Shoes

No street shoes are allowed on the dance floor. If you wear dance sneakers, they must not be worn on the street.


4. Parking.  You may park in the back parking lot, in designated parking places only. This is a shared lot and we must not take advantage.  Please do not park in front of the dumpster or door next door.


5. Observers

No observers in the dance rooms. Exception: You may visit your child's class in Studio B the first lesson of the month only. There is a monitor located in the main lobby and classes in Studio B may be observed from there.


6. Attire

Proper dance attire must be worn to class at all times. Ballet: Ladies must wear a black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes with hair in a neat bun. Tumbling:   Ladies must wear a leotard with dance pants over it. All other classes: Wear form fitting dancewear, no jeans or skirts. Gentlemen may wear jazz pants and tee shirt for all classes.


7. Respect for Others

Please do not walk through classes for any reason, or to use the restroom. You may use the restroom between classes. Just as with school classrooms, we need to show respect for those trying to learn.


8. Notification for Dropping Classes

To drop a class, please submit the drop form at least 2 weeks in advance of the intended drop date to You must receive confirmation and drop date in order to be dropped from a class. Notifying the instructor is not sufficient. No refunds will be given for any prepaid tuition.  It is your responsibility to notify us by email.  


9. Class Placement

Placement is up to the discretion of Katie's Dance Studio.


10. Liability


As with any sport there are associated risks and I agree to hold harmless, Katie's Dance Studio, teachers and staff, in case of injury or illness. All dancers and families are expected to arrive in good health and Katie's Dance Studio is not responsible for any illnesses or viruses that may result from participation.

Monthly Rates

Add total classes per week, whether attended by one student, or immediate family members. The monthly rate is:

One class per week


Two classes per week


Three classes per week


Four classes per week


Five classes per week


Six classes per week


Seven classes per week


Eight classes per week


Nine classes per week


















(For each additional class, please add $10.00)

Private Lessons Available by Arrangement.

*****Please Note - Fees are due the 1st lesson of each month; add a $10 late charge if paid after the 10th day of the month. Remember to give two weeks notice to drop a class.